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Accra, Ghana – Emerging Public Leaders (EPL) in partnership with Emerging Public Leaders of Ghana (EPL Ghana) and the Mastercard Foundation, hosted the graduation ceremony for the 25 fellows of the fifth cohort of Public Service Fellows in Ghana on Tuesday, July 16, 2024.

The event occurred at the British Council in Ghana, marking a significant milestone in the organization’s mission to build the next generation of ethical, passionate, and effective public sector leaders. Honoured guests at the graduation included representatives from the Office of the Head of Civil Service of Ghana, the Public Service Commission, the Mastercard Foundation, the British Council, and the US Embassy of Ghana, among other champions of Emerging Public Leaders.

Ms. Juliet Amoah, Country Director of EPL Ghana, congratulated the graduates, noting the unique experiences of the fifth cohort being the first of the Public Sector Fellowship programme to be employed “beyond the small oysters of the public service ministries and into the 28 public sector agencies.”

The Public Sector Fellowship programme supported its first cohort in 2016; training, mentoring, and placing 20 young university graduates in entry-level positions in ministries, departments, and agencies of Ghana’s Civil Service. In 2022, EPL and EPL Ghana expanded in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, to co-create pathways for young professionals into the broader public sector and increase the visibility and accessibility of public sector work to youth, especially women, people with disabilities, and other marginalized groups.

Sylvia Kunkyebe, Acting Head of Mastercard Foundation Scholars Programmes Support Services, addressed the fellows: “We are very proud of the achievements today and as you go out there, we encourage you to stay connected to EPL. When they ask you to come in for a meeting please attend and think of it as you giving back to the cohorts that come after you. We have no doubt that, in Ghana, our public policy will be better off because of the 25 of you.”

Richard Okai, Director of Programmes and Learning, congratulated the fellows on behalf of Emerging Public Leaders Board Chair and Executive Director.

Keynote speaker Bernard Avle, General Manager of Citi FM and Citi TV and host of Citi Breakfast Show, imparted a lesson of the time. He honoured the time the graduates had devoted to developing ethical leadership skills and technical knowledge to drive change towards a more prosperous future of good governance through the fellowship programme.

This year’s cohort represents a diverse group of talented young professionals who have completed an intensive one-year fellowship programme. During their tenure, these fellows have worked across various government ministries, agencies, and policy organizations, contributing to critical national development initiatives. At the end of the ceremony, current Ghanaian Alumni Association president Husein Pumaya Yakubu welcomed the graduates into the Emerging Public Leaders Alumni Association and pan-African Alumni Network of more than 400 public servants across Liberia, Ghana, and Kenya.

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About Emerging Public Leaders of Ghana

EPL Ghana is a nonprofit organization that aims to equip young Ghanaian leaders with the skills, knowledge, and networks needed to drive transformational change in Ghana and Africa. EPL Ghana partners with the Government of Ghana, through the Office of the Head of Civil Service, and public service organizations among other partners to train and develop a crop of ethical and competent young public service professionals committed to good governance and excellent delivery of public services.

For more information about Emerging Public Leaders of Ghana, please visit:


About Emerging Public Leaders

Emerging Public Leaders is a public service leadership organization preparing the next generation of competent and effective public sector leaders in Africa. EPL partners with governments and local organizations to rigorously identify young public service professionals who are committed to practicing and promoting good governance throughout Africa. With our support throughout their career journeys, this diverse network of leaders influences and strengthens their country’s institutions for delivering democracy with excellence, care, innovation, and integrity.

For more information about Emerging Public Leaders, please visit:


About the Mastercard Foundation

The Mastercard Foundation works with visionary organizations to enable young people in Africa and in Indigenous communities in Canada to access dignified and fulfilling work. It is one of the largest private foundations in the world, with a mission to advance learning and promote financial inclusion to create an inclusive and equitable world. It was established in 2006 through the generosity of Mastercard when it became a public company. The Foundation is an independent organization, and its policies, operations, and program decisions are determined by its own Board of Directors and senior leadership team. It is a registered Canadian charity with offices in Toronto, Kigali, Accra, Nairobi, Kampala, Lagos, Dakar, and Addis Ababa.

For more information on the Foundation, please visit: